Part 12: Episode Six: Rhythm of the Day

Sonny, it seems a bit... bright out, doesn't it?

Well, it should be pretty late, but it looks like the sun is still out.

Well, we went on your shift... and then to that party...

I guess.

Wait just a second here. Those guys look awfully familiar.

Ha-ha. He got y... wait a minute. He was on with you for your last shift, too. What the hell is going on here?

And that JUST HAPPENED. How did he go to that party, stay for the whole thing, and still get here before you?

And that would be disturbing even if that weren't GODDAMNED JACK! It was his party! He was just drinking five minutes ago. Tell me you're not letting him go on duty like that.


Everyone who was at that party is here. This doesn't make any damn sense.

But it wasn't! Keith traded you his shift!

But you left early... I...

Don't even get me STARTED on the guy who somehow never leaves the bathroom.

Sonny... When was the last time you did something during the night?

I just mean during the night. Night-time. When was the last time you remember seeing the stars? I'm not talking about a distant, half-forgotten childhood memory... I mean, like, yesterday. Last week? When? Do you have a single memory?

You don't, do you? I don't think the night even exists in this place. 'Cause we've been up for hours and hours, and the day never ends.

You're damn right it's crazy.

Well, at least Dooley's ability to be a butthole also transcends time and space.

Dooley posted:
Sgt. Dooley says, "Men, we've received information from the Day Sergeant concerning a Missing Persons report filed earlier this morning."
"It seems that a Mexican male (physical description of 5'8", 145 lbs, black hair, brown eyes) by the name of Jose Martinez, was last seen by his wife two days ago, getting into a late-model light blue Cadillac. No one has seen or heard from Martinez since."
"This person has some previous arrests involving narcotics sales," says Dooley, concluding the briefing. "Be advised that this black Cadillac may be one and the same as the one involved in the recent murder of Lonny West. We have a partial license plate number of 'L964.'"
"Dooley then proceeds to give everyone their beat assignments for the day, concluding with yours, "Sonny Bonds, your call number will be 83-32."
"Keep it safe out there, boys and girls!"

Of course Steve would have heard about that one.

Ha-ha, Jack.

It looks just like him!

...just talk to the next person who says one thing to you and then leaves, will you?

...jerk-ette? Really? That's what you've got?

I guess.


Yeah, you should do that. That'll be great for your career.

He's hot for you, eh? That might explain some of the latent hostility...

Yeah, yeah, everybody wants your ass. What, you've never heard of bisexuals? Just remember to check your mail, loverboy.

Your pigeonhole posted:
You check your pigeonhole and find a sealed envelope.
Ripping it open, you read a message from an unknown informant, advising you of illegal, high-stakes gambling in the back room of the Hotel Delphoria Cocktail Lounge.
You vow to remember the information, and discard the envelope and message.
Shouldn't you tell somebody about that?

Strange that someone really thought you needed to know about it.

So, a late-model Cadillac, huh?

Hmm. But it's not the same color or license plate number as the stolen one from... the beforetime.

And that means our time is limited here. Assuming time means anything in this place.

So I guess we better get out there.

All set?

YOU have been thinking about something I said?

I may not totally agree, but I can see your point. And this expository rambling occurs because...?

So what are you going to do?

You won't hear any arguments from me. Even if it weren't on the box cover. I may have qualms about personal responsibility when it comes to drug use, but it's pretty obvious he's involved in a couple of out-and-out murders by this point.

You think they'll take you?

So I get to help you write more tickets.

No, I'm sticking with it for now. How could I miss up the chance to drive around some more?

Maybe the next one will have some really awesome name like "Eddie Stabz". Guess what he'll do to you if you don't cuff him in time!

Or it could be Aaron Burr, and he could challenge you to a duel!

Or it could be Patti Passion, and she could try to sweep you up into a whirlwind affair.

Dispatch posted:
Vehicle is light blue, late-model Cadillac, last seen near Jefferson High. Possible drug involvement.

We are.

Oh, yes. YES.

That's right. That's how we do it.

He can't actually shoot me, but I'm right there with you. Uh, in spirit. So you're not just going to leap out of the car and blow him away?

Oh, good. I hadn't done enough waiting yet.

Jack? Well, I guess. If he isn't still drunk. Get your gun out, Sonny.

Just humor me, okay? We should present a viable threat until the guy is under control.

Damn, that looks cool. Wait, what happened to Jack's hair?

That doesn't even make sense! He...
The Voice of the Game posted:
Be careful! This dude's dangerous!

Ok. I'll let you know if I see him make any sudden moves.

Searching the suspect posted:
You search the suspect and find only pocket change.
Plus, a loaded, Smith & Weston .45-caliber, semi-automatic handgun.
The suspect pipes up, "Honest, Officer. I only carry that for self-defense on the freeways!!
"Quiet down," you order him. "Hey, Jack," you yell to your backup, "how's about booking this evidence?"
"Ok," Jack replies.

I bet there's gold in there! Or at least drugs. Let's say drugs.

Try the glove compartment, Sonny.

Hey, it's the man of a thousand faces. Or at least two. What sounds familiar about the name Hoffman?

So L.W. is Lonny West...

Do you see the gambling and blackjack stuff? Maybe that tip you got earlier wasn't totally random after all.

A suspicious door posted:
Say! The doorjamb of the suspect's vehicle is black instead of light blue!
A closer examination of the doorjamb reveals the vehicle's VIN plate. A quick rub with your thumb uncovers its number: C03456218!

Confirming the obvious posted:
"Dispatch, this is 83-32," you radio. "Run VIN C03456218 through the computer."
Shortly, Dispatch returns with...
"Suspect vehicle is confirmed 10851! Lytton PD holds a signed stolen report on this vehicle."
"Vehicle information, 1983 black Cadillac deVille."
"Registered owner, Malcolm Washington, 234 W Center St, Lytton, CA."

I hope it's not a body.

Told you. Although gold would have been cooler.
DRUGS posted:
You open the trunk and discover a clear plastic bag containing a white powdery substance resembling cocaine and another clear plastic bag containing a green leafy substance resembling marijuana.
As you start to examine the evidence, you hear Jack's voice behind you, "Just leave that stuff in the trunk, Sonny. I'll impound it along with the car."
"Ok, Jack," you say, "See you back at the station."

Adventure! Excitement! Towing! posted:
Jack comes on the radio...
Dispatch, this is 83-31 confirming Code-4 on felony stop, one in custody. 83-32 proceeding to jail. Request tow truck to location.
Dispatch responds, "Affirmative, 83-31. Code-4, tow truck en route."

Hey... Hoffman. Wasn't that the name of Marie's weird john?

Hey, I won't say anything.

If you say so.

Bye-bye, gun! We'll miss you!

Our favorite place to be posted:
"My goodness gracious!" says the jailer. "Here stands Bonds again on behalf of the people."
"This is one bad dude," says the jailer. "What are you booking him for, Sherlock?"
Is he a bad enough dude to deal drugs to the president?

Patronizing prostitutes?

Let's just say "crime".
Book him, Sonny posted:
The jailer responds, "Ok, crime will do. Fill out the booking slip and give me his property!"
"What's your name?" the jailer asks your prisoner."
"The name's, uh, Marvin Hoffman, you scum bag!" he responds. "And that's all you're gettin' outta me!"
Deep down you know this sleeze bag is not the man he claims he is. You book him as "Marvin Hoffman" anyway, hoping his numerous felony charges will keep him in the slammer long enough for you to ascertain his true identity.
You hand the jailer the booking slip and the suspect's property.
"Ok, Bonds," the jailer says, "you can remove his 'cuffs and place Mr. So-Called "Marvin Hoffman" into cell number one."

It's got a hell of a view, especially if you like monstrous software pirates.

Aww, it's almost like he was saying that to both of us.

Well, maybe before Steve does.

Oh, Christ, what now?

Maybe he heard about the bust and wants to congratulate you.

...that's one hell of a mental image you've left me with there, Sonny.

Next time on Police Quest: OBJECTION! Sonny vs. Blind Justice!